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Generate minimal documentation for species expected to be Least Concern (see IUCN Red List). Submit to the IUCN Red List via SIS Connect (registration needed)


Not yet on CRAN, but you can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Basic workflow:

  1. get_name_keys check name status against taxonomic name backbones
  2. make_LC_points gather occurrence records from GBIF and convert to an IUCN standard point file
  3. make_sis_csvs generate SIS connect csv files
  4. make_zip make a zip file for SIS Connect imports



# some parameters needed for the point and csv files
first_name = "your first name"
second_name = "your second name"
email = "your email"
institution = "your institution"

# create a species list
sp <- data.frame(sp_col = c("Crabbea acaulis", "Crabbea cirsioides"))

# check names against GBIF and WCVP name backbones 
sp_keys <- get_name_keys(df = sp, name_column = "sp_col")

# generate a point file according to IUCN standards
sp_occs <-  make_LC_points(keys_df = sp_keys, range_check = TRUE)

# generate the csv files
sp_csvs <- make_sis_csvs(unique_id = sp_keys$wcvp_ipni_id,
                              wcvp_ipni_id = sp_keys$wcvp_ipni_id,
                              gbif_ref = sp_occs$citation,
                              native_ranges = sp_occs$native_ranges)

# make the ZIP file to send to IUCN SIS Connect